How can I book Sony Laptop service in the Doorstep hub?
Booking service with Doorstep hub is easy and time-saving. Please go through our website, download the mobile app, and select the required repair service. Select a convenient time and location and get a confirmation message. Our expert technician will reach you.
You can call 88866 88666. Our support team responds and collects the required information and allots technicians for you.
How much does it cost to get a Sony Laptop repaired?
We provide free inspection once after availing service. Our expert technician makes an estimated cost based on the repairs needed. Trust us, and the price will be affordable and low compared to other service providers.
Do Doorstep hubs provide any warranty after the Sony Laptop Repair?
Yes, the Doorstep hub provides a warranty after the service for 30-90 days from our authorized service centers. Customers can contact us if the same problem arises, and the service will be free of cost.
How long will it take to repair a Sony Laptop?
We can specify the duration for the repair of the laptop according to the type of repair service. Generally, it takes 2-3 hrs for the complete repair. Our technician completed the whole process at his best.
Can I book a Sony Laptop software installation service in the Doorstep hub?
Yes, Doorstep hub provides Sony Laptop software installation services also. Charges will be different for different laptops and different for this service.