pest control chemicals safe for pets?
There are pet-friendly pest chemicals, and service providers use pet-free chemicals for pest control. Doorstep hub suggests keeping your pets safe when the chemicals are sprayed. Yes, it may be a pet-friendly chemical, but a few cases have affected pets, so keep your pest far and safe.
Does It Smell? Do I Need To Move Out Of The Place?
The pesticides currently used smell a little. It's not required to move during Pest treatment. The smell evaporates within two days after treatment.
Is pest control safe for my family?
Pest control treatment is safe. It will not affect you and your family, but a few chemicals are unsafe and available on the market. Tell the Pest specialist to try the safe treatment.
Is it required to hire a pest specialist?
Yes, you need to hire a professional pest specialist. Don't try to control the pest in your home/office. Only a professional specialist knows where to look for pests and suggests controlling them.